12/20/2023: OK, so twice upon a December

Much thanks to Casey and Marisa over at Anime-Online; they are closing down their collection, and I was fortunate to inherit custody of these two Iron Mouse (Iron Mice?) cels.  I’ve always admired their collection, and they still have many beautiful pieces!

At any rate, the Anima-Mates are icons and cels of them are so difficult to find.  I really love these two of Iron Mouse, with her preparing to bow before Galaxia, and a put-out expression as her workday is interrupted.

12/15/2023: Once upon a December

The holidays are turning out to be very busy, but happily I still managed a small update this month.  

  • Another Michiru from S, Episode 102.  It’s featured in the same car ride as the cel I added in October!  I love finding scene-mates.
  • Setsuna looks sad as Chibiusa pleads with her not to kill Hotaru; S Episode 120.  This one made it on YJ for all of one day.  I’m lucky to have found it in time.
  • Applesymphony posted this hilarious Minako from S Episode 109.  It’s my only cel under the direction of Kazuya Kuroda, whose work was featured in just two episodes.
  • I was very excited to find this last one from the final episodes of the Stars arc, Episode 196.  It appears in sequence with another cel I have from this scene, which features nearly every senshi in the series (sans Michiru & Haruka).  The girls are looking on Galaxia’s destruction, and preparing to march into battle for the final time.  This one came from the good people who run Akihabara’s auctions. 

11/2/2023: One small update in Sailormoon

This is a tiny addendum to the last update.  Both cels are from SuperS.  They were sourced from Heritage, which is my first time going through this auction house.  I typically steer clear, as the market is muddied by investors and other secondhand curators, and prices can get absurdly high as a result.  Thankfully, neither of these two ended up in the stratosphere, so I was able to pick them up–even though I hadn’t held out much hope.  I love the dramatic moment of Artemis rushing to Luna’s side (Episode 133).  The cel of Usagi (plus Chibiusa and Diana, how cute are they?!) is a special find from Episode 141.  It’s so rare to get original backgrounds such as this one, and it’s in wonderfully preserved shape.

10/30/2023: Trick or treat!


After spending the entire month with three weeks of bronchitis, followed by COVID, I suppose there’s not much to do except update.  Silver linings!  (And yes, this has been a busy month for acquisitions.  I don’t have much of an excuse, except that I really have been so sick that I’ve just had extra time to go hunting.)

  • The girls in a crowded alley, from an Ikuko Itō-directed episode of Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 31.  I never thought I would get my hands on a cel from this scene!  It was a firefight on YJ but completely worth it.
  • Chibiusa and Tuxedo Kamen from the final battle of Sailor Moon R, Episode 88.  If I overpaid for the earlier entry, this makes up for it.  Super cheap, especially for SM!
  • Two cels of Michiru from Sailor Moon S, Episode 106 (the flashback episode).  This makes five entries from this episode!  I waffled on getting the injured Neptune, but couldn’t resist pairing it up with the base layer that I already had on hand. 
  • Civilian Iron Mouse from Stars, Episode 176.  I’m always looking for cels of the Animamates, but they are just so hard to find…especially Mouse and Crow.

10/11/2023: Sailormoon gallery update

This is a big (for me) update.  Usually I try not to get so many cels at once, but…well…  Cels from the end of the Stars arc are my most sought-after scenes, especially if they feature emotional moments.  They’re pretty rare to see, and wouldn’t you know, last month there were two–both ending within an hour of each other on YJ!  What’s a girl to do?!  

  • Inner Senshi from an Ikuko Itō-directed episode of Sailor Moon R, Episode 68
  • Michiru Kaiou from Sailor Moon S, Episode 102–you know, the one where Usagi gets her heart crystal taken and Kaolinite dies
  • Sailor Moon agonizing over the deaths of the Inner Senshi, Sailor Stars Episode 196 (!!)
  • Sailor Uranus’s death scene, Sailor Stars Episode 198 (like I was going to pass that up!)

9/27/2023: Cels up for offers

Some changes are coming to the gallery.  I will be paring down both the Magic Knight Rayearth and Utena galleries.  Some cels will be sold directly via offers, and others will be gradually put up on eBay.  If you wish to make an offer, feel free to contact me through the Contact form.

9/7/2023: Update in Sailormoon

A small update for September, with three cels: 

  • Sailor Moon from an Ikuko Itō-directed episode of Sailor Moon Classic, Episode 37
  • Minako Aino being captured by the Dead Moon Circus from SuperS, Episode 141
  • Ami Mizuno battling in a video game tournament, Sailor Stars Episode 191 
The latter two were from Mandarake’s recent BWA, for which I had registered with only tentative plans to bid.  Ha.  Oh well.

8/26/2023: Gallery launch

Gallery is launched!  Rubberslug ceased taking updates in early August.  While this was expected given the age of the site and deterioration of features over time, it was still sad to see.  Jason, our Rubberslug host, is tied up with a move and cannot address it immediately.  The cel collecting community will always be indebted to him, and although he may be able to restore service in the future, I figured it was time to reestablish an independent gallery. Though this gallery is really home to my collection for my own viewing, I feel it is important to share with others who share the interest.  I hope you enjoy the site, and if you have suggestions, please feel free to contact me!